Thursday, April 29, 2010


woodlands 2, opossoms. opossoms are the best dead actors in the woods. they play dead when dangers near. there white and come out at night.they eat cat and dog food. my dad killed one in are front yard. cool ha. they have a pink nose like the star nosed mole. i dont no if they rilly hang by there tails in trees upside down in trees.

food. iv'e only seen them eat cat and dog food.
wear.long sleave white shirt.
color. white.
job. actor.

ps. next animal, armadillos.

1 comment:

Jim said...

I really enjoyed your blogs but I am almost blind from trying to read the dark print on the dark background. You might try making the green background lighter - so it can be read better.

Good writing though. I look forward to reading some more.

Jim-Dad (Poohpa)